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::Szechuan Chicken Noddle::

19th Nov 06, Sunday is the only day i can rest...but some time also i will like to do some cooking. Anyhow, today.. i just feel lazy to cook so i didn't buy any vege or meat. So, i asked my hubby whether her mum is going to cook or not... but my hubby told my mother in law that i will cooked for her tonight.

Oh no!!! i didn't buy anything... what shall i cook? So, i decided to cook porridge because just thinking to cook chicken porridge. So, we went to the supermarket to buy some ingredients...

When i start cooking in the kitchen... i don't feel like eating porridge and i found the szechuan vegetable in my fridge. So i decided to cook noddle. :-)... **TA DA** here it is... Szechuan Chicken Noddle(My first creative noddle)

What you need (Serve for 3):
Part A:
1/2 tblsp oyster sauce
1/2 tsp sugar
some corn flour

Part B:
4 pieces dried noddle (instant noddle)
1 packet szechuan vegetable (washed or soaked)
200g chicken fillet
some chopped garlic
1 tblsp oyster sauce

How to do:
1. Marinade the chicken fillet with Part A (30 mins).
2. Heat oil in wok, followed by garlic and fry till begin to brown.
3. Add marinaded chicken fillet and fry till 60% cooked.
4. Add the szechuan vegetable and fry.
5. Add in 1/2 cup water and simmer for 10 mins.
6. Pour the szechuan chicken on top of the noddle.

Boiled the noddle until soft and set aside.

Besides, the szechuan chicken. I also fried the egg and sliced it and boiled some green vegetable....

The recipe is just for reference... because is just rough estimation on the ingredients and seasoning sauce... :)


旋律 said…
jade, you really got talent on cooking, if for me, haha... the easiest way is tapau...!
Jade said…
hehe... :) not really got talent in cooking. but got talent in eating... :)

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