13Mar08, baby Ryan is 6th mth old... i feel a bit sad that all photos that i have taken for the past 6 mths are 90% blur. I'm not sure whether it is my poor photography skill or my camera is too "old fashion"... :) I think i better save some money to buy a higher pixel camera. Another reason why i didn't get good photos, as i do not to turn on the "flash" as i think it will harm BB Ryan's eyes. When Ryan took his first solid food, it was "Brown Rice". He didn't really like it intially but after few feedings, he has developed a passion for it. My 2nd solid food attempt for BB Ryan was "Carrot Puree". Until now he still didn't show any interest in it. Ever since BB Ryan started taking solid food, he has been constantly babbling... Seeing him growing day by day, i feel really grateful to have him in our life......... BB Ryan, mama&papa love you so much..