13Mar09, yes... Ryan already 18 months old. I stop giving him the pacifier, and he never ask from me also. I'm proud of my son, he manage to stop his pacifier without me using harsh way to stop him, like putting chilli sauce on the pacifier or cut the pacifier and etc.. This month, i spent alot to buy him the Phonics Fun. How i hope i can send him for the Shichida class, unfortunately i can't because of the distance and also the fees problem. Fortunately that i learn alot from the early123 forum and also sgparenting. Of course i have a friend who also help me alot is WaiKuan. I actually started to teach Ryan with some flash cards and currently wanted to start the speed reading. He did like it for the 1st time because i teach him how to kick his leg with slow speed to fast speed by following the CD.