09Jul08, 4th day... i'm counting down the day to be back home. I really miss home, miss my baby and of course my hubby too. Today, i plan to go shopping alone, because Hong Fong and Anne are having dinner with their boss again. So, i took the hotel shuttle to Festival Mall. Before i left the hotel, i met Anne and Hong Fong. Anne told me the first day we went to Festival Mall, she saw some guys following us, so she asked me to becareful since i'm alone. So, i decided not to take dinner, but just shop for souvenior and take away some food to have it at the hotel. I spent 1 hrs there to get some souvenior for my lunch mates, but i can't find any for my family. My dinner is..... "Wendy", yes... another fast food for me.
13 Nov 07, baby ryan is 2 month old...he is very naughty because he always crying. I told my mum about this, but she say, baby maybe will get better when baby is 100 days... another chinese believe. From that day onwards, i have been counting down and hope the time pass faster. He is a bad temper baby, he will cry for milk, cry for sleep, cry when pass motion also... :( I really don't know how to take care of baby... anyhow, i'm trying very hard to learn to become a good mother...