08Jul08, today is 3rd day in Alabang. Hong Fong and Anne have not decided whether they will have dinner with me or not since their boss had cancelled the dinner yesterday so he might postponed to today. To be safe, i asked the driver to stop me at the fast food drive-thru to buy some food. I never see this fast food restaurant in any other country, so i believe this is local fast food restaurant, "JollyBee". The burger is too small for me... hehehe... :) and the taste is just NORMAL.
13 Nov 07, baby ryan is 2 month old...he is very naughty because he always crying. I told my mum about this, but she say, baby maybe will get better when baby is 100 days... another chinese believe. From that day onwards, i have been counting down and hope the time pass faster. He is a bad temper baby, he will cry for milk, cry for sleep, cry when pass motion also... :( I really don't know how to take care of baby... anyhow, i'm trying very hard to learn to become a good mother...