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Alabang, Philippines - Day 1

06Jul08, i'm in Alabang, Phillipines. I have been struggling to tell my boss that i do not want to travel to Phillipines since my baby is still small and he is sick now. So, here i am... Alabang, Phillipines. Anyhow, i'm really lucky that i met a new friend who is also working in the same company as me but in different department. Although we just knew each other, but i think she is very friendly and helpful. Besides, we also met with another colleague who is from Taiwan when we reached the hotel and she is also a friendly lady. We went to the nearest mall in the town which is Festival Mall to have our dinner. Although the dinner is not very good, but i'm happy to have new friends. Thanks Hong Fong and Anne.

Ebi Ten Soba - 185 peso


Jane said…
im so outdated. now only i know u went to alabang, phillipines. i wonder if u are already back to msia now... since it has been more than a week.

i was too busy to keep in touch. my bad! :(
Towns Delight said…
Hi There, just wanna ask if you have tried any low cost Alabang menu during your stay here?


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