13May08, how time flies!.. bb Ryan hasn't been feeling well for the past 2 weeks and most likely he got the bacteria from me. He has been down with on and off fever, cough and running nose. Both of us have been busy measuring his temperature regularly and CONvincing him to take series of medication ( all the colors of the rainbow he has tried); and usually end up with loud cry and dissatisfaction stare at his parents. Everday he will need to take 4 different kind of medicine for 3 times per day. Poor baby!
He has lost weight and his chubby cheek also... he is underweight again. He is only 7.4kg at 8th mth old. I'm too careless, i should have wear the face mask when i'm not feeling well. I will remember to do that if i'm not feeling well again, to avoid spreading the bacteria to him. Lesson learn for mothers, "DONT EVER FALL SICK".