13Jun08, hehe... :) actually bb Ryan already 14 mths old, but i just want to write down his progress in every month. I just a bit lag... I'm just too lazy to type in the blog because i don't have any reader. Anyhow, i think i still wanted to continue since i want to have some where some place to record my memory. (this is called old) Bb Ryan in his 9 mths old, i went to Philippines and leave bb Ryan with his papa for a week. My parents and sis helping my mother in law to take turn taking care of him. When i miss him, my sis will try to snap his photo and send to me. I want to take this opportunity to thanks them. Although he is 9 mths old, but he still doesn't know how to crawl so he always depend on his walker to go any where. His skill on the walker is really good... just like the F1 driver. Here is my "bao bei", precious...